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Sony To Unveil Slim PS3 At E3?

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E3 looks like it will be a massive event for Sony. The unveiling of the PSP Go! and apparently they could also unveil a slim PS3 model. Sony, of course, denied any hardware redesign related announcements, so just take it with a grain of salt. If you remember, a couple of days ago, the white DualShock 3 controller spotting was called a fake because of the UPC code. So, Sony is really being talked about everywhere right now. They're behind in the console war, so they must do something drastic and this could be it.

Could they unveil a slim PS3 at E3? Possibly. But, no one knows for sure. I'd be extremely excited if Sony revealed a slim PS3 because I still haven't gotten my hands on one yet. Hopefully, a slim PS3 will be cheaper and will come in 3 colours (black, silver, and white), but that's just my wishful thinking. I also hope they officially announce the white DualShock 3 at E3. Come on Sony! Do something.



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