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Snoozing Through Macworld, PS3 Sales Jump in 2008, DivX 7 Released, Corsair at CES, Hitachi at CES

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So, when i got home from school, i quickly found a video of the Macworld keynote on Apple's official site, so i decided to watch it. It was pretty boring. I was yawning through most of the iLife and iWork stuff. At one point, i actually fell asleep and then i woke up about a minute into him talking about the 17 inch MacBook Pro. So, i had to rewind it a bit. You can view the Macworld keynote at this link. Macworld seemed kind of dull to me, but luckily, CES is already starting. Although, not the presentations. Right now, i think, is when you can try out the stuff that are on display there.

So, how did the Playstation 3 do in 2008, compared to 2007 in sales? Sony reported that in North America, they saw a 40 percent sale increase in 2008, compared to 2007. If we do some math, that is approximately 3.6 million units. During the 10-week holiday season, they also mentioned that their sales rose 130 percent compared to the 2007 holiday season. This is good news because i hope that Sony doesn't give up on this system. Since i'm hearing rumours that they might as well start the Playstation 4 production now, since the Playstation 3 is so upsetting. I still feel that 2009 will be an even bigger year and that PS3 sales will continue to increase.

So, this morning, DivX, released the new DivX 7. It will have "enhanced support for high definition video output and surround sound audio." It will show "high-quality digital video at up to 1080p HD resolution." It is now available on the new DivX website. I use DivX to watch any high-quality movies and then i use VLC media player for everything else, so this is good news. I've already downloaded it.

At CES this year, is Corsair. I trust Corsair, with my RAM needs. I have 2 GB of RAM in my current rig and that's thanks to Corsair. But, at CES, they showed it's new "Flash Voyager USB thumb drives." These USB's have an overwhelming 64GB on one single chip, damn 64GB? Yes. Uh-oh, looks like in 2009, there will be a war for which company can put more memory on USB sticks. Looking at this picture, they look to have a weird shape to them. But anyways, no price for this product was mentioned in the article from ZDNet.

Hitachi is at this year's CES and they are showing some new displays for us. "The 2009 line of UT HDTVs will expand primarily by carrying a more mainstream pricetag and now standard 1080p / 120Hz features." Hitachi has a new and thinner 35 inch LED backlit display, measuring about 15mm thick. Hitachi also had their 50 inch UT plasma from CEDIA on display. I don't know if the CEDIA was the same display that was shown last September, so yeah. Hopefully, i'll be receiving more news on that. I still think that the new LG and Samsung displays have surpassed Hitachi in every aspect. Anyways, CES is now here. Expect a barrage of blogs whenever i get the chance. For school, i have a Culminating Assignment that i have to write in-class on Tuesday, so i will be trying to finish all of that research either tomorrow or Thursday. Macworld out the window, luckily CES is there to pick up that slack.

Oh! By the way, thanks to everyone that has visited my blog ever since i started writing, just over a month ago. I received about 300 visits in first month. In the beginning, the visitors were slowly coming in, but for the last few weeks, i've been getting a lot of anonymous visitors, which is fantastic. I hope you like what i write because i love talking about tech and new news.

Playstation 3 Sales (and picture): http://www.gamespot.com/news/6202751.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=newstop&tag=newstop;title;1
DivX 7: http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/divx-7-launches-with-enhanced-hd-support-498602
Corsair at CES (and picture): http://blogs.zdnet.com/gadgetreviews/?p=675&page=6
Hitachi at CES (and picture): http://www.engadget.com/2009/01/06/hitachi-unlimited-ces-theme-shows-some-realistic-boundaries-fo/

nikki joanne said...
January 11, 2009 at 1:27 AM  

priya's brother got a PS3 for christmas :) he wanted a Wii but when he got a PS3, boy did he jump & scream. although, i thought you already bowed down to nintendo? hmmmm...

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