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The Office Season 6, Text Messaging, Firefox 3.1 Beta 3, Final Fantasy 13 Release Date

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So, 'The Office' will be back for a 6th season! By the way, there is a new episode tonight, so i have to watch that. Anyways, 'The Office' is this season's #1 comedy in adults, which puts them second in the ranking as an overall comedy. There's also a bunch of other news in the press conference, so if you want to read up on that, you're welcome to click the links below.

A couple of days ago there was a story about a 13 year old girl who sent over 14,000 text messages in a month. I thought that was ludicrous. But, what i read today was even more shocking. "Sprint has confirmed that a 14-year old Florida girl sent / received around 35,463 text messages in a month on two separate occasions. That works out to 1,182 a day." I read that and my jaw dropped, but the text messaging craze doesn't end here. Apparently, in the Guinness world record book, Deepak Sharma (a grown man) holds the current world record for sending 182,689 messages in one month. Yes, you read that right. This comes out to 6,100 messages a day, which is about 4.2 messages a minute. I don't really know how you can manage to send 4.2 messages a minute, but congratulations? I guess.

The Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 has been delayed. It was supposed to hit us on January 26. But, it is now going to be available on February 2, which is a week later than scheduled. That's all the news there.

Do you live in Japan? Well, if you do, then consider yourself lucky. You will see Final Fantasy 13 by the end of this year. Oh wait, what was that? You don't live in Japan? Well, that sucks. Because, it will not be released anywhere outside of Japan until after April 2010. "A release date for Final Fantasy Versus XIII or Final Fantasy Agito XIII hasn't been mentioned." It sucks because i was expecting it this year, but it looks like it won't happen. Scratch Final Fantasy XIII off of your Santa wish-list this year.

The Office Season 6: http://www.officetally.com/the-office-season-6-officially-announced
Text Messaging World Record: http://i.gizmodo.com/5132028/girl-sent-35k-text-messages-in-a-monthtwice--but-it-is-nowhere-near-the-record
Text Messaging picture: http://adatingdiary.com/page/15/
Firefox 3.1 Beta 3: http://blogs.zdnet.com/open-source/?p=3295
Final Fantasy 13: http://finalfantasy-xiii.net/2009/01/15/final-fantasy-xiii-us-and-eu-release-date-after-april-2010.html
Final Fantasy 13 picture: http://www.platformnation.com/tag/square-enix/

//Reeechard said...
January 15, 2009 at 10:33 PM  

Missed the office due to work, fuck my life.
Final fantasy 13 better blow my mind, because I've had enough of spiky haired dudes that look like chicks.

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