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Samsung Omnia I8000 Omnia II Hitting Germany In October With WinMo 6.5; Samsung B7610 Omnia Pro Hitting Germany Mid-September

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Two exciting handsets are going to be hitting Germany in the near future. The Samsung I8000 Omnia II looks like it is ready to hit Germany this October. This smartphone will be available unlocked for €649 ($924 USD) and on T-Mobile's network for an undisclosed price. The best part is that WinMo 6.5 will be pre-installed on this smartphone.

The other handset that is headed to Germany is the B7610 Omnia Pro. This handset will be hitting Germany in mid-September - a bit earlier than the I8000 Omnia II. This handset will be pre-loaded with WinMo 6.1 unfortunately, but it will be available unlocked for €499 ($711 USD) as well. If you don't want to get it unlocked, don't worry because it will be subsidized on both Vodafone and E-Plus.

Samsung I8000 Omnia II: WMPowerUser
Samsung B7610 Omnia Pro: WMPowerUser

Anonymous said...
August 20, 2009 at 7:13 AM  

This mobile looking nice. I like to buy this mobile. I already using the samsung mobile which was unlocked by unlock4u

Unknown said...
August 20, 2009 at 7:23 AM  

Yes, both handsets are really nice. I'm hoping to get the i8910 Omnia HD or the I8000 Omnia II later this month. I'm excited!

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